Hours and Services

If this is your first visit, feel free to come early to check out where everything happens and meet our staff and volunteer leaders.

Our service begins at 10:30 a.m. in our sanctuary at 2425 Sierra Blvd. and our children and youth programs and Childcare also start at 10:30 a.m.

Before service join us for Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices most Sundays.

Coffee, tea and other refreshments and conversation follow the service in our welcome hall. Discussions, forums, and Adult Enrichment programs happen after many of the services.

What to Wear

Please come wearing whatever is comfortable for you. People in our church wear everything from shorts and flip-flops to “Sunday Best.”

Children should dress in something that is comfortable for play, as our classes may often include active games, Yoga, outdoor play, gardening, cooking, and a certain amount of “creative messiness.”