Board of Trustees


Board Members

July 2023-June 2024

Anara Guard,

Andy Cramer,
Vice President

Victoria Owens,

Lisa Dahlquist,

Members at Large:

Susan Davis-James

Dawn Huebner

Janet Lopes

Leanna Pierson

Sally Wilkins

UUSS Board of Trustees

Purpose of the Board

The UUSS Board of Trustees establishes policies and oversees long-range planning. Ultimately the governing authority of UUSS is vested in the members who meet at least semi-annually in October and May.

The Board consists of ten members: a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, five members-at-large and a voting youth member.

The UUSS Constitution defines the details of Board composition and operation (see Articles VII and VIII).

Additional information on Board responsibilities is included in the Bylaws of UUSS.

Board Covenant

We represent our congregation in matters of policy, vision, communications, and advice

regarding the business of the congregation.

We promise to be respectful of one another

by listening to understand,

by keeping confidentiality,

by having our behavior reflect our word

and by remembering to be honest, helpful, timely, forgiving, and kind.

The board meets monthly, usually on the 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm, either in person or via Zoom. Guests wishing to attend are invited to contact the board for details.

Strategic Plan 2019-2024

Overview (PDF)

Action Plan (PDF)


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Annual Budgets

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Agendas

Treasurer’s Reports

Detailed Financial Reports

Congregational Meetings

Board Updates

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