Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)
Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)
CUUPs (Covenant of UU Pagans) is an international organization associated with the UUA, promoted by the 7th UU principle of the interdependent web, and the UUSS Strategic Plan, especially:
Goal 1: Strengthen our connections and commitments within our congregation to deepen our lives, and assess impact of that on current organization and infrastructure.
Goal 3: Live out our commitment to justice, equity and compassion, and assess impact of that on current organizational infrastructure.
CUUPs studies and practices respectfully in earth-based and feminine spiritualities, including ancient indigenous European, Native American (North and South, Alaskan and Hawaiian), African, Asian (East, Mideast or West), Australian, Wiccan, Druidic, and pagan atheists (known as “dancing without the deity”). We promote women’s history, sustainable lifestyles and peace, and are looking into getting UUSS an official chapter and banner. Using the soothing never-ending natural cycle of the seasons, including using the seasonal celebrations as an antidote or supplement to other traditions’ spiritual holidays, UUSS CUUPs generally celebrates at least the equinoces and solstices with potluck, indoor labyrinth walk, and ceremony on site. All welcome.
When possible we take field trips locally to PanGaia (usually weekend before Father’s Day), Pagan Pride (mid-September), and Pantheacon (February 15-18, 2019, Gateway Doubletree, San Jose). National CUUPS has events at the UUA’s annual GA.
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CUUPS Updates
By Patricia Johnson
Theater One Reading Group
Theater One Reading Group is now continuing to read Lysistrata it was so good. Lysistrata …