Group Search Results


Group Search Results

Nominating Committee

Our committee members are elected by the congregation. This Committee enlists candidates to fill Board of Trustees, Program Council and other leadership positions each year.

Kitchen Committee

We assist in various food-related events: Soup Sundays, Auctions, Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners, and fundraising; and we monitor the kitchen after rental use.

Administrative and Property Management Committee (APMC)

Our committee provides leadership in the areas of administration, personnel, and property management. The APMC is appointed by the board and is made up of 5-6 members of the congregation who have skills and expertise in the areas of the team’s responsibility.

Religious Services Committee

Our committee works closely with the ministers in planning and presenting Sunday services, and helps arrange for guest ministers and speakers. The lay leaders from this committee (known as Worship Associates) take on specific roles and duties as participants in each service.

Finance Committee

We regularly review financial statements; track investment balances, make financial policy recommendations, and submit an annual budget proposal to the Board of Trustees. The Congregation votes to approve or reject the budget proposed by the Board. Monthly meetings, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m., are open to members and friends.

Aesthetics Committee

Our purpose is to assure that any permanent or semi-permanent addition or change that affects the visual aspect of the church building or grounds is attractive and appropriate for the campus.

Membership Committee

Our committee serves the congregation by welcoming visitors, helping to integrate new members and supporting activities that make all members of the congregation feel welcome.

Art Exhibits Committee

We seek to enhance the aesthetic experience within the UUSS Main Hall by presenting high quality exhibits of excellent works of art by local artists.

Environmental Justice Committee

We seek to be a force for healing in the world by engaging with the Sacramento Inter-faith community to dismantle environmental racism, be a powerful voice for advocacy and responsible stewardship of our Earth and to support the building of healthy communities for all people.

FundRaising STrategy committee (FRST)

We are a committee appointed by the Board in 2015 to oversee and promote coordination of the fundraising activities and programs that support and sustain the UUSS mission. Activities include scheduling and recruiting leadership for fundraising dinners, service auctions, special appeals, building donations, the annual stewardship campaign, and encouraging members and friends to remember UUSS in wills, estate plans and investment beneficiary designations. We develop a yearly and 5-year calendar and recruit and support volunteers for various activities and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Members with experience or inspiration in any of these areas are invited to contact us with your ideas and interest in participating.