Group Search Results


Group Search Results

FundRaising STrategy committee (FRST)

We are a committee appointed by the Board in 2015 to oversee and promote coordination of the fundraising activities and programs that support and sustain the UUSS mission. Activities include scheduling and recruiting leadership for fundraising dinners, service auctions, special appeals, building donations, the annual stewardship campaign, and encouraging members and friends to remember UUSS in wills, estate plans and investment beneficiary designations. We develop a yearly and 5-year calendar and recruit and support volunteers for various activities and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Members with experience or inspiration in any of these areas are invited to contact us with your ideas and interest in participating.

Family Promise

Family Promise is a program to help homeless families become sustainable. Four families are housed at UUSS for four weeks during the year. We rely on UU volunteers to host, bring meals, and stay overnight at the church.

Loaves and Fishes

Keyword match: volunteering
We provide helping hands to prepare (7:30 a.m.) and serve food (10:30 a.m.) to homeless people on the fourth Monday of the month.

Refugee Support Program

We raise awareness of the global and growing refugee crisis and of the needs of newly resettled refugee families in our Sacramento area. With open hearts, UUSS volunteers welcome and support refugee families, providing friendship and assistance toward empowerment and self-sufficiency. The team provides and promotes volunteer opportunities to UUSS members, families and friends. We solicit donations of money, goods and services of direct aid for refugee families and to fund our events and work at UUSS. The team coordinates our volunteer efforts with our community partner NorCal Resist.

Child/Youth Religious Education

Religious Education for children and youth offers a variety of ways adults can volunteer. In collaboration with staff and our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, volunteers provide leadership for education programs. Volunteer opportunities vary throughout the program on Sunday mornings. New energy and bright ideas in the form of volunteer support are always welcome in order for our program to continue flourishing.

Mercy Pedalers

Keyword match: volunteering
UUSS Mercy Pedalers was founded by Mercy Nun, Sr. Libby Fernandez in September of 2017. We are bicyclers, tricyclers and the occasional car, reaching out to the men and women experiencing homelessness on the streets. It is our mission to bring hospitality, nutrition, and resources to them, connecting to each person by emphasizing the undeniable worth of each individual. The goal of our program is to be present to each other, share our thoughts and concerns, and offer a cup of coffee, a nutritious protein bar, soup or sandwich. It is our hope that we strengthen the human family with every life we touch. Please join us on this journey.

St. John’s Program for Real Change

Our volunteers provide and prepare a set dinner menu at St. John's Shelter once a month.


We are a group of volunteer groundskeepers who work in teams to maintain the outdoor campus. Each team usually works once a month for several hours to mow lawns, collect leaves, etc. as the season requires.

American River Parkway Stewards

Keyword match: volunteer
On the second Saturday of each month, we perform cleanups of a mile of the American River Parkway which was adopted by UUSS.

Soup Sunday

Keyword match: volunteer
Soup Sunday Lunch is held the first two Sundays of the month from October to Febuary. Suggested donation is $5.

Program Council

Our council members are elected by the congregation. Our mission is to promote the vitality of our UUSS community by nurturing current programs and activity groups, and encouraging new ones. UUSS members who wish to form a new activity group should submit a new group application to the Program Council. We sponsor an annual Activity Groups Fair and a Volunteer Appreciation event. The Program Council also works with the Board of Trustees to establish budgets.