May 11 is Movie Night at UUSS!
Posted by Abby Rosenblum
Posted on May 1, 2018
“Mighty Uke: The Amazing Comeback of a Musical Underdog”
A really charming film about the musical instrument that allows any and everyone
to be a musician.
The movie takes us on a journey across four continents to meet ordinary folks who are enjoying the social and personal benefits of making music together. Hard to believe, but in three minutes with a uke, you can learn enough chords to play a song and even jam with encouraging enthusiasts! This beautiful fun-filled film shows how this big-hearted little instrument has the ability to create communities of happy music-makers.
Friday, May 11 at 7 PM at UUSS
Run-time 56 minutes followed by a lively jam with our own UUSS Ukesters.
If you have a ukelele, bring it, whether you can play it or not :)
and another to loan to someone who wants to try it out.
Suggested donation $10 or so.
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More UU Beginning Ukers Updates
By Judy Lane
Come play ukulele with us on Monday, February 12th, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. in the Fahs Room. Come at 1:30 for tutoring and loan of a uke. Everyone is welcome! Questions? Contact:
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