UUSS Meeting Online!
This page will tell you how to connect to our streaming events. Learn the easy to remember URL to this page:
Our website was down recently Sunday morning and some people had trouble joining the service to watch online because they couldn’t click the link on this page. Even if the website is offline the Zoom service will always still be happening. If you can’t click the link you can always start the Zoom program on your device, then click “Join” and manually enter the meeting ID and PASSWORD. The ID is simply the church’s phone number (you can always Google for it if you don’t have it, 916 483 9283) and the PASSWORD is always 1234.
Michael Tamura
Memorial at 4pm today (12/3)
Just follow the directions below to watch online (click “Zoom Stream” below)

Online Worship Services
Join us Sundays at 10:30am

You can watch our Online Service and communicate with us on your computer, smartphone or tablet using Zoom. You can also use any phone to dial in and simply listen (instructions for that at very bottom of this page).
You can watch our Online Service and communicate with us on your computer, smartphone or tablet using Zoom or Facebook Live. You can also use any phone to dial in and simply listen (instructions for that at very bottom of this page).
* Meeting ID: 916 483 9283 – Password: 1234 (not necessary if you use the link right above)
If after clicking the link you are placed in a waiting room before the service starts just wait patiently until we let everybody in.
You don’t need to create a Zoom account or anything. If you are on a computer just click the link above and allow the website to install the Zoom software. If you are using your phone or a tablet (such as an iPad) simply download the free “ZOOM Cloud Meetings” app from the app store onto your device and then click the link above. To communicate with us use the “Chat” button (sometimes you have to tap the screen and look under the three dots where it says “more”).
We are also streaming the service on Facebook Live. You do NOT need a Facebook account to watch. If Facebook asks you to sign up you can just click “not now”. Click the link below to be taken to the UUSS Facebook page and then scroll down and you should see the Live Video once we have started (you will need to click on it to begin playing the video).
You can also use any phone (even a landline) to join us and listen (no video). Simply call the phone number right below.
Phone Number: (669) 900-6833
Then when it asks you for your “meeting ID” enter 916 483 9283 and then press #. If you are asked for a password enter 1234.
You may have to press # one more time. And if it gives you an error message just re-enter the meeting ID again.