Surrendering into the Expanse


Surrendering into the Expanse


Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, February 9, 2025

dougThe Buddha never said we don’t have a self. We obviously do: you are you and I am me. However, paradoxically the depth of our being is not found by shrinking into a separate essence but by surrendering outward until we feel how everything is directly or indirectly connected with everything else. When we hurt someone, we hurt ourselves. When we’re kind to others, we are kind to ourselves. We connect with the infinite oneness of life. You are me and I am you.

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Doug Kraft was ordained 50 years ago.  He served UUSS from 2000-13 and is our Minister Emeritus.  He attends regularly with his wife, Erika. They have two sons and two grandchildren.

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