Toxic Soup, American Style:  How to Cultivate Serenity without Surrendering our Values


Toxic Soup, American Style:  How to Cultivate Serenity without Surrendering our Values

by Rev. Dr. Roger Jones

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, August 4, 2024

So many of us are stewing in the deadly soup of polarized politics, disinformation campaigns, widespread suffering, and a lack of civility and respect.  It’s indeed a scary time in U.S. history, and it hurts our spirits.  Is it possible to confront untruth, injustice, and violence, as well as to recognize the shared humanity of those who threaten our visions for a just and free society?  Let us gather as a faith community to explore how to navigate all of this.

Come early to the service to light Candles of Joy & Sorrow and fill out a prayer card for the ministers (or submit it by Friday at this link).

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