

The Monthly Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Our Unigram contains useful and interesting information about what is going on at UUSS.

The Unigram has been temporarily placed on hold. Much of the content that would normally be in the Unigram is now in the Minsters Messages which if you don’t receive via e-mail you can also view here.
Also visit the front page for more connection information.

Our Latest Unigram is March

March 2020

Submissions to Our Unigram

Church members who are leaders of UUSS activity groups may submit articles for the monthly Unigram newsletter at . Deadline is the 15th of every month. Shorter articles are more likely to be read than longer ones, so please keep the words down to 300-350. If you have a digital photo or graphic for it, please send it separately to . Please suggest an informative headline and include the name and nature of your event, day, time, location and a contact name, email and phone number, and a note about costs, potluck items, or suggested donations. The newsletter is sent by email or sent by US mail to our members, friends and recent visitors, and posted here on our website.