Endowment Trust


Endowment Trust

The UUSS Endowment Trust was established in 1980 to safeguard and strengthen our congregation’s mission and long term vitality. The trust receives gifts from members and friends, invests such gifts in a prudent and diversified manner, and annually uses a percentage of the trust’s value for special and non-recurring needs of UUSS.

If you are interested in making a donation to the Trust in memory of a loved one or make a gift to the Trust to further the mission of the Trust, please send your donation/gift to the UUSS Bookkeeper at the UUSS Office.

If you would like to request funds from the Trust, please complete and submit a “Request for Funds” form (PDF or DOC). These can always be found on the UUSS website under the “Members” menu and then “Forms”.

Endowment Trust Updates

Current Trustees:

Lisa Derthick, Chair
Rev. Lucy Bunch
Victoria Owens
Molly Stuart
Randy Webb