Mar 202015
 March 20, 2015

This month’s 20s & 30s lunch will take place after the service this Sunday. Meet us at coffee hour, which this week will take place in the SAUCC courtyard. Once gathered, we will make our way as a group to a location of our choosing for lunch. Although we will make the decision based on

Mar 192015
 March 19, 2015

Inviting all Religious Education families to spend a bit of time exploring our new website. With active participation from staff, members, friends, & families our new UUSS website is bound to be fun and interactive. Let us know what you think!

Mar 172015
 March 17, 2015

by Lauren Davis-Todd, Co-chair Stewardship Team –  When I was a single mother of two, working full time teaching, my son joined Little League.  Talented, inspired and enthusiastic, he loved it.  I enjoyed watching, but I was overwhelmed with other responsibilities.   At the sign-up meeting, the coach brought up the awkward conversation of  volunteers and

Mar 132015
 March 13, 2015

Our UUSS Kids’ Freedom Club will be hosting a pancake breakfast at SAUCC on Sunday, March 15th. The kids will prepare breakfast first for worshippers of our host congregation to have when their coffee hour starts at 9:50 AM. Then they will serve UUSS members & visitors during our coffee hour at 11:30 AM. The

Mar 072015
 March 7, 2015

Rev. Roger Jones’ New Testament class will begin on Monday, March 16 instead of March 9. The class will run on four Mondays, March 16 through April 6.