A new UUSS group is forming to read and discuss articles which appear in the UUA quarterly magazine UUWorld. It will continue meeting the third Thursday of each month, 1:30pm-3pm, through May. Facilitated by Nancy Lust, Bobby Stewart and Linda Hoganson. Sign up at the UUSS Sunday Adult Enrichment table or e-mail Linda at ljhoganson@gmail.com. Current
With Rev. Roger Jones and Others 6:00 to 6:35 p.m., Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18 and 25, at 2425 Sierra Blvd. Whether you are new to mindfulness meditation or have practiced for years, we invite you to partake of the support from others in a simple practice of noticing. I’m not a trained teacher, just
With Rev. Roger Jones Four Mondays, March 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 6:45-8:15 p.m., 2425 Sierra Blvd. We will learn about the contexts in which the Christian scriptures emerged. We’ll reflect on several parables told by Jesus and accounts of his healing miracles and sermons, some letters of Paul, and Acts of the Apostles.
If you would like to attend this year’s UUA General Assembly, you can find information about registration, financial aid, scheduling, and housing on the General Assembly Website. Some specific things to note: Early registration, which lasts from now until April 30, offers a lower rate for attendees than registration on or after May 1. A