Apr 152015
 April 15, 2015

Be ready to hang a ribbon on our Tree of Life with your answer to the question “What do you love and hope never to lose due to Climate Chaos?” Stop by the Earth Justice table in the courtyard after service to get your ribbon.

Apr 142015
 April 14, 2015

CONfidence registration is now open Search for “CONfidence!” on Facebook REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 26! You can register by filling out the online Registration Form. For more information about this weekend long event please visit YRUUP.

Apr 132015
 April 13, 2015


Apr 102015
 April 10, 2015

The most recent Parent Page: Pledge to the Earth Previous one: Wonder of Easter

Apr 092015
 April 9, 2015

Meg Burnett is inviting children and youth to sing with the choir on April 26th during our service for all ages. Choir rehearsal is this Sunday, April 12th! Here is a video of one of her personal favorites! Here are the lyrics: A Place in the Choir Refrain: All All God’s creatures got a place

Apr 072015
 April 7, 2015
Check Out the New Website Team Pages!

If you’re interested in following updates and improvements to the site, the Website Team’s pages are the ones to check. Also if you have a problem or suggestion please let us know (*protected email*). Here are the pages we just added recently that might be of interest to you: Give Us Feedback or Report a

Apr 062015
 April 6, 2015
improved filebox

improved filebox code it so it doesn’t show months that have no files and are in the future (sort of silly to do that): before: after: