Apr 032015
 April 3, 2015

With Rev. Lucy Bunch. Sunday April 19, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and Tuesday April 21, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Sliding scale fee from $20.00 to $30.00. This is a follow-up to the class on Islam in February. Using a combination of lecture, small and big group discussion and creative exercises we will explore the world’s oldest religion.

Apr 032015
 April 3, 2015

Miranda updated the wording from our old site and we have a new volunteers page! I’ve helped with a few programs (SHYG, OWL, COA) and it’s always been rewarding and fun. It’s a win/win because as an adult serving youth you get to look at spirituality in fresh ways and it can be very impactful on

Apr 012015
 April 1, 2015
Finally Posting These!

This is from March 22nd. The young adults had lunch at Chevy’s by the river. People really seemed to get to know each other better at this lunch and it was exciting to see the group gel. Somebody mistakenly told the mariachi band that it was Eddie’s birthday in the first pic. He looks confused. Sorry about Derek getting

Apr 012015
 April 1, 2015
bugs and enhancements related to "add new post" on backend

bug: if you started a post, didn’t choose a category but hit save draft your post would basically disappear (won’t get into the reasons why!) (sorry miranda)…FIXED now ehancement: now you can’t even save a draft WITHOUT picking a category first bug: posts that were in private groups (like testing group) were still visible to google