May 142015
 May 14, 2015

Certified Life Coach Becky Lindstrom with Rev. Roger Jones A workshop in 2 parts at UUSS: Monday & Tuesday, May 18 & 19, 2015, 6:30pm – 8:30pm Our values are a fundamental aspect of who we are and what we do, yet our true core values often remain hidden from us. This workshop will help

May 132015
 May 13, 2015

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento  Congregational Meeting Agenda  Sunday, May 17, 2015, 11:30 AM (Members, please sign in after the service to receive your ballot. Childcare continues till 12:30 PM in the Nursery.) Pilgrim Hall, Sierra Arden Church, 890 Morse Ave., Sacramento Call to Order                                                  Linda Clear, President Invocation                                                       Rev. Roger Jones Approval of 10/12/14

May 092015
 May 9, 2015
Why It Matters!  (Roger's View)

In March the top elected lay leader of our denomination came here to give the sermon for our pledge drive kickoff.  Mr. Jim Key is a retired businessman and member of a UU church in South Carolina.  He praised our building expansion progress (now even closer to completion than in March) and our music, community

May 092015
 May 9, 2015

Summer ArtWorks – Help & Registrations!  ArtWorks reg June 7 is the first session of Summer Sunday Religious Education ArtWorks! Here’s how it will work this year: VOLUNTEERS offer one or two consecutive Sundays of an engaging activity using art, music or another creative activity that brings people together. We begin a session with a

May 062015
 May 6, 2015
Our American River Parkway Cleanup Saturday

Many thanks to Chris for his long service as coordinator of UUSS’s monthly cleanup of our adopted mile of the American River Parkway. As you know, Chris willingly gave his time, talents and support to this activity. Although he’s no longer able to continue in this role, hopefully he will remember with pride how, with

May 062015
 May 6, 2015

UUSS All-Ages Camp June 12-14 at Camp Norge (Sons of Norway Rec Center in Alta, CA) Families with children YES we WILL have water ROCKETS in the meadow. Thank You, David Bailey! The Dormitories are filling up as well as camp sites in the Meadow. Remember we must receive payment to hold your registration. Accommodations

May 032015
 May 3, 2015

This Thursday evening, May 7, Paula Joy Welter offers a workshop to help you learn about the safest routes to pedal around Sacramento, commuting to work, accessories for carrying things, bike models, and bicycle touring – where to start! Room 7/8 at UUSS on Sierra Boulevard, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Though we won’t be riding,

May 012015
 May 1, 2015

Budget Forums Sunday May 3 and May 10 after church in the Mayflower room at SAUCC. Please see the attached budget and join Denis Edgren and other members of the finance committee for a chance to ask questions about next year’s budget. 2015 2016 May Congregational Meeting Budget