Welcome to Keith Atwater! He brings 12 years of experience as a music director and choral conductor in 3 congregations. He has led choirs, string quartets, hand bell choirs and jazz ensembles. He’s organized children’s pageants and choral outreach activities in local communities. Earlier he was a high school band teacher and the founder of
You are invited to watch the proceedings in the Fahs Room, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 25. Light snacks will be available. Please provide your own beverage. There is no admission fee, but a free-will donation to cover use of equipment and the room will be appreciated. Bring a friend if you like.
Theater One Presents a Celebration of Our National Holiday: A Staged Reading in Two Acts of The Reconciliation of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (1812-1826) 2 p.m. Sunday, July 5, in the Fahs Room at UUSS. Suggested Donation $10 Jefferson’s actual words will be read by Theater One actor Ron Galbreath and Adams’ words by guest Dallas Riggan,
The nursery at UUSS will be set up in August to prepare for our littlest members’ return. While we have been away at our rented facility, Room 11 has been used for meetings, gatherings and storage. Look for the Nursery Wish Tree at the RE Table for little “Bird Wish Tickets” including items (big and small) that we wish for. Purchase