Oct 132015
 October 13, 2015
Program Council Annual Retreat

Members of the Program Council and Reverend Roger Jones held their annual retreat on Saturday, October 10.

Oct 102015
 October 10, 2015

Meditation of the Week: “The world was made — gorgeous, tender, broken, dangerous — we know not why. How, now, shall we live in it — you and I and everyone?” Rev. Victoria Safford, UU minister in Minnesota. Hope to see you at UUSS tomorrow. 9:30 UU History talk in the education building. 10:30 service

Oct 092015
 October 9, 2015

‪#‎LoveYourNeighbor‬ ‪#‎HateUnchecked‬ Some people in this diverse and beautiful land stir themselves up and stir up others with hostility about people of the Islamic religion. Our UU faith tradition has urged us to stand for tolerance, kindness, human kinship, and the hard work of UNDERSTANDING. That means learning about people whose lives, beliefs, perspectives, and

Oct 072015
 October 7, 2015

The famous Unitarian Universalist history lecture “2,000 Years in 25 Minutes” is the kickoff event for our monthly Sunday morning series Exploring Unitarian Universalism. Join Rev. Roger Jones and others at 9:30 AM in the Fahs Classroom (East Building). After Q&A, discussion and waking up the loyal audience, we’ll be done by 10:15, plenty of

Oct 052015
 October 5, 2015

Coming October 18 – a Bake Sale with a seasonal theme! Freedom Club members will be making delicious treats for a fund-raising bake sale! Some ideas we’re thinking about making may be pumpkin or bat shaped cookies, or a snowman made out of marshmallows. Your donations for these handmade seasonal goodies will go directly to freeing

Oct 042015
 October 4, 2015

Happy Birthday Blake! Great day in JHYG.  Some treasures, earth, air, wind and water, were saved. Vegetables eaten. Laughter heard. Discovery – “that it got easier once we started to work together rather than alone” . JHYG member. Good work JHYG!