Nov 182015
 November 18, 2015

Welcome to the first dinner event in our enlarged and renovated church home, this Saturday, Nov. 21, 5:30-8:00 PM.  Today is the day to make your reservation so Chef Glory’s team will have enough ingredients for the Hawaiian-themed dinner.  We are SURE we will enough valuable or fun (or both) raffle prizes.  Send an email

Nov 182015
 November 18, 2015
Tami Buscho -- in loving memory --

Our loyal member Tami passed away Nov. 11 after a long illness from a recurrence of cancer.  UUSS members and all the people from the parts of Tami’s rich and varied life are invited to a memorial service here at UUSS at 3:00 PM on Sunday, December 13. In lieu of flowers, donations in Tami’s

Nov 162015
 November 16, 2015
Update from Linnea, age 10

Today’s post comes to you from Linnea Stanton, age 10: Today we did a six hour meeting with the Indian staff of the partnering organization. We talked about community health and the group shared about how important health is in preventing slavery. When someone is sick, often the family will go into debt to pay

Nov 162015
 November 16, 2015
Amazing Success Fighting Slavery

We have been so amazed at the work being done by our partners here in India!  They are an amazing group of individuals who are so knowledgable about how to overcome slavery, trusted by the communities that they serve, and dedicated to facing hardships and opposition every day in the field.  Today we visited with

Nov 162015
 November 16, 2015
Patty's Post

Today we spent time demonstrating various educational practices and procedures.  I explained various learning intelligences and how to incorporate them into everyday lessons.  Research has shown students placed in stressful situations may have difficulties learning in a traditional setting. Many of these students have been former slaves or children of former slaves. Their education may

Nov 152015
 November 15, 2015
Meeting our fearless leader

After a long but safe journey we have met up with are partners here with Free the Slaves. We had an in depth discussion with the India director, Rajneesh. He shared about the struggle in this work and also the wonderful progress they have made over the last few years. You can really sense that

Nov 132015
 November 13, 2015
On Our Way

We are on our way! As an extension of the Freedom Club a group of 4 of us from UUSS are heading to India to visit partnering organizations that work to combat human trafficking. We are looking forward to helping with training and documenting stories of those who’ve been rescued. We look forward to finding

Nov 062015
 November 6, 2015

If you want to learn how to post updates for your group on our website then this is the training for you! Click here for more information! We will try to have a website training once a month. This month’s is this Sunday (the 8th) in the library at 12:30p. This is also a soup sunday so