Dec 192015
 December 19, 2015
UUSS Choir 2014 in Review

What a tiny space so full of history–adios old music closet –on with Sanctuary Building Renovation and big new space for Music/Green Room!!  Choir to perform at SAUCC Church Rental Space from Sept 2014-May 2015. “Be the Change” Soloist Artesia Davis

Dec 192015
 December 19, 2015

Don’t forget to bring an ornament to church with you tomorrow (December 20th) for our Tree Trimming Participatory Ritual.

Dec 172015
 December 17, 2015

here is a test video:  

Dec 172015
 December 17, 2015

here’s a youtubey thingy:

Dec 142015
 December 14, 2015
Purchase Your Banner Calendar!

  The Banner Project Team has produced a calendar featuring 12 of the world’s religions from our 1984 Banners which are displayed on the walls of our sanctuary. The calendars will cost $15.00 . Pre-orders may be made at the Welcome Area table on Sundays or by phone or email to Dick Tarble (*protected email* and ).

Dec 132015
 December 13, 2015

Monday, December 14 An Interfaith “United We Stand” Event Please come and help us walk the walk and talk the talk of standing united together through the community and the many houses of faith herein… Please. Invite your friends. Monday, December 14, 2015 6:30pm – Refreshments 7:00-8:00pm Program Faith Leaders Civic Leaders Free Admission. All

Dec 132015
 December 13, 2015
UU Parkway Mile 12/12/15 Cleanup Results

What a super crew we had on the American River Parkway yesterday! Nine fine folks came out and removed about 250 lbs. of trash from the UU mile, leaving it in much better condition than we found it. The photo below is missing Nancy Gilbert and Patricia Pratt, who arrived early and had already moved

Dec 132015
 December 13, 2015

Bob Feagans, a longtime member of this congregation, passed away Dec. 6 at the age of 89.  We extend our condolences to his wife and three daughters, all of whom grew up in UUSS.  His memorial service will be at 2:00 PM, Sunday, January 10. Frances Yankauer passed away Dec. 9 at the age of