Dec 032015
 December 3, 2015

Sunday, Dec. 6, 12:00pm to 12:45pm, Fahs Room. What is it like to care for a youth in your home? Join UUSS member Evan Correale (a foster parent of teens) and Christina Cagle from Stanford Youth Solutions to hear about the myths and fears of foster parenting—and how we find rewards in helping today’s youth.

Dec 032015
 December 3, 2015


Dec 032015
 December 3, 2015
Sanctuary Flowers

If you are interested in participating with a UUSS group of folks who want to create floral arrangements for Sunday services (and other occasions) please email me.  (*protected email*)  You would be on about one Sunday every two months  — dates of your choosing — for an arrangement to be placed on a pedestal (not

Dec 032015
 December 3, 2015


Dec 022015
 December 2, 2015

— You can get to UUSS in time for church!  Please allow more time and plan your route in advance.   Because of the California International Marathon, we cannot cross Fair Oaks Blvd.   Don’t use the Watt or Howe Ave exits off of Hwy. 50!  If coming from the west, east or south, take “Business 80” to