Jan 172016
 January 17, 2016
Successful Meeting with Congressman Bera

We did a legislative advocacy visit with Congressman Bera last Sunday.  We each had a part to say in the presentation and talked for a while with Dr. Bera. We asked him to co-sponsor a bill that would force companies to keep slavery out of their supply chains, and we asked him to help get

Jan 162016
 January 16, 2016

–join Rev. Lucy and lay leaders for this month’s “Exploring Unitarian Universalism.”  The topic is UU social action.  Every 3rd Sunday we have a rotating topic. Next month is UU history.  Join us in the Fahs Classroom (in the building behind  the sanctuary building) at 9:30 sharp.  It ends by 10:15 for church.  Parents!  Nursery opens

Jan 162016
 January 16, 2016

Our beloved member Frances M. Yankauer passed away last month at age 92. She was a journalist for Voice of America, a mother and grandmother, activist and volunteer. Fran was a founding member of the River Road Unitarian Church when she and Jim lived in Bethesda, MD. They moved here in retirement to be close

Jan 122016
 January 12, 2016

Some weeks we have 2 or 3 folks come to sit in silence together, other weeks we have 4 or 5. We start at 5:30 pm and end by 6 pm.  All welcome; we accept freewill donations to UUSS–no charge. Last Wednesday I was running 5 minutes late, which I knew meant that someone else

Jan 092016
 January 9, 2016
Website training Jan. 17th (Sunday)

Now we have a beginners and an advanced class for learning more. Click here for information and to sign up! This is our third training and now there is a beginners class (12:30-1:30) AND an advanced class (1:45p-2:45p). If you want to learn how to post updates for your group then the beginners class is meant for you.

Jan 092016
 January 9, 2016
Super Crew Cleans Up UU Mile of Parkway!

On a cool, overcast Saturday, January 9 morning, thirteen willing volunteers showed up to clean a couple of hundred pounds of trash from the UU mile of the American River Parkway. Lending their time, talents and support today were John Abbott, Mark Gray, Alexandra Hanson, Patricia Johnson, Sondra Mercer, Cherie O’Boyle, Patricia Pratt, Eric Ross,

Jan 062016
 January 6, 2016

The memorial service for Robert Feagans, a beloved husband, father, teacher artisan, handyman and longtime UUSS member, takes place Jan. 10 at 2:00 p.m., with reception following, The January Unigram newsletter is incorrect and we apologize for the confusion.  Donations in his honor are invited to Save the American River Association.

Jan 062016
 January 6, 2016

It’s time for another lunch gathering of the UUSS young adults group. This time we’ll be meeting at Cafe Bernardo on R street this coming Saturday January 6th. Feel free to join us for good food and conversation.

Jan 062016
 January 6, 2016
Art Committee Reception This Friday

The Art Committee will host an art reception for artists David Dawson and Dianne Poinski on Friday, January 22, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the UUSS auditorium. The works of art depict “rivers” which will be the theme for the Sunday service on January 24.  David Dawson, a member of the UUSS, has embraced digital and color photography