Jan 042016
 January 4, 2016
UUSS Parkway Mile Cleanup This Saturday, January 9

Happy New Year, Good Folks! Please consider kicking off 2016 with a(nother?) good deed by lending a hand on our cleanup of the UU Mile of the American River Parkway this next Saturday, January 9 The weather report five days out now shows the possibility of some light rain later in the day on Saturday,

Jan 042016
 January 4, 2016

Tonight, January 4th,  the Art Committee hosts a closing reception for Sally Baker from 5:30 to 7 pm in the main hall.

Jan 032016
 January 3, 2016

We didn’t save Forbidden Island BUT we did finish identifying the rest of structure for Uuss Isle.  Getting ready to start putting pieces together on the 31st of January.  See you then.  

Jan 032016
 January 3, 2016

Dr. Bera has agreed to meet with us on Sunday, January 10th. We will be educating him on the existence of slavery in modern society worldwide, tell him what we have done to fight slavery, and  asking him to support our cause. One surprising fact we will share with him is that slavery is at

Jan 012016
 January 1, 2016
Roger's Birthday Celebration!

On Sunday, February 7, families are invited to join Rev Roger in celebrating his 55th birthday. He is hosting a party at the Sacramento Central YMCA gymnasium for our UU kids and youth, with some game playing fun! Sport options include two or three of the following, depending on interest: soccer, basketball, dodgeball, bouldering rock