Feb 062016
 February 6, 2016

Varieties of Islam: Sunni, Shi’a, Wahhabi and Sufi Sunday, February 21, 2016, 12:10 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in UUSS Room 7/8 In this follow-up to Session One, we will explore the differences between Sunni and Shi’a Islam, Wahhabism, and mystical Sufi poems and dance. This is a presentation by Keith Atwater, our Music Director and

Feb 062016
 February 6, 2016

The UUSS Palestine-Israel Study Group will meet February 21 at 7:30 p.m.  This is an evening with Dr. Jeff Halper, Co-Founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions  and 2006 Nobel Peace Prize nominee.  Co-sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace.  Contact:  *protected email*.

Feb 042016
 February 4, 2016

In February we give away half of every Sunday’s offering to Wind Youth Services, giving shelter, security, clean clothes, meals and professional support to homeless youth. Every year Wind helps more than 150 youth as they work toward stability in their lives. Thank you for your support! This is a very generous congregation. In December our

Feb 032016
 February 3, 2016
Website training Feb. 21st (Sunday)

Now we have a beginners and an advanced class for learning more. Click here for information and to sign up! This is our fourth training and now there is a beginners class (12:30-1:30) AND an advanced class (1:45p-2:45p). If you want to learn how to post updates for your group then the beginners class is meant for you. If

Feb 032016
 February 3, 2016

Auction Donation Form 2016 (PDF) This can be printed, filled out and returned to the office or brought on Sunday. You can also donate online at www.togetherauction.com/uuss. There are instructions for doing that here.  

Feb 022016
 February 2, 2016

Join us in Classroom 6 at UUSS for a few words of invitation to the practice of sitting together in silence for 22 minutes. We support one another in cultivating awareness, practicing mindfulness, and remembering that peace can come in every breath. No experience necessary. No charge to attend, but freewill donations are welcome to

Feb 012016
 February 1, 2016

Next Sunday please help us identify the skills necessary to protect our Isle.  We are moving forward with our game development and we need you. January 31 was good and we agreed on the elements that we want in our game. We have done much work in identifying the risks and protections for our Isle