Mar 082016
 March 8, 2016
20s30s Ministry Circle Wed. the 9th at 7p

This is a monthly meetup (second Wednesday of every month) where we can explore and share our spiritual journey with one another. It’s led by someone and involves discussion and listening to one another. Since this runs relatively late in the evening and during dinnertime, the event will also involve food. Please bring a small

Mar 082016
 March 8, 2016

What’s the plan? As noted in February’s Unigram, UUSS plans to have a UU seminarian here for nine months in the next budget year.  The student will do a wide range of ministry with us on a full time basis.  When Rev. Roger is away for six months of sabbatical leave, the intern will have

Mar 072016
 March 7, 2016

JHYG was full to the brim with people, ideas, laughter, cooperation, mutual assistance and fresh fruit.    We spent time teaching each other the way to succeed in saving the primary elements and the teams and postponed the next step in game creation to a later Sunday.  Next JHYG meeting will be on Easter.  Come and be part of the

Mar 072016
 March 7, 2016
Discussion of the Documentary Film "Cowspiracy" Tonight (Mar. 7th) 7:00p

Tonight at 7:00 pm (Monday, March 7) UUSS Earth Justice Ministry holds a discussion of the documentary film, “Cowspiracy.” Learn about the effects of animal agriculture on greenhouse gasses and climate change. In the Fahs Classroom Education Building. More information here:

Mar 072016
 March 7, 2016
American River Parkway UU Mile Cleanup Saturday, March 12

Today’s (Monday, 3/7) long-range forecast for next Saturday, March 12 is for rain. But…IF the weather clears, then we’ll once again have our regularly scheduled “Second Saturday” walk to pick up trash on the UU mile of the American River Parkway. To those on my email list, I’ll send out a “go/no go” note on

Mar 062016
 March 6, 2016

Based on today’s weather forecast, the Walkin’ Boots March 6th hike in Rocklin is cancelled. The hike will be rescheduled for a date later this month. Stay tuned for updates on the new day and time.

Mar 052016
 March 5, 2016


Mar 052016
 March 5, 2016
Helping Out!

True Reflections decided they wanted to all participate in the Freedom Club Pancake Breakfast this weekend. As a congregational involvement activity, True Reflections will assist with breakfast prep. True Reflections participants: report to pancake making Sunday morning, March 6th!

Mar 052016
 March 5, 2016

Rev. Roger will be co-leading the Senior High Youth Group with his colleague David Scheuneman this weekend. David has been the UU camp chaplain for 15 years for youth and young adults at Star Island Conference Center. His topic for SHYG: Punk Meditation!

Mar 042016
 March 4, 2016

Folks from the First UU Church of Stockton are doing the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 5k walk at William Land Park on Saturday May 7th in Sacramento. The Stockton UU’s have invited anyone from our congregation to join them on their team (or you can form another team). The walk is to raise awareness