Mar 032016
 March 3, 2016

UUSS Hiking Group—this new activity group takes off Sunday, March 6, at 2:00 PM. See more in the Blue Sheet announcements. This is the last weekend to see “Steel Magnolias” on our stage. At last Sunday’s matinee the cast got a standing ovation. (And the set and sound design deserve an ovation too.) See:

Mar 032016
 March 3, 2016

Please read about Rev. Dave Scheuneman’s retreat in the March Unigram newsletter.  Let Rev. Roger know by Friday if you wish to come.  We have room for a few more, but are planning on lunch.  Latecomers are welcome but bring a bag lunch.  There will, however, be enough coffee and tea for everyone at 8:30

Mar 032016
 March 3, 2016

“Spiritual Practice in a World on Fire”, with Rev. David Scheuneman, hosted by Rev. Roger Jones Coffee at 8:30 a.m., workshop at 9:00. Light lunch, end at 2 p.m,. in UUSS Sanctuary How do we overcome despair, burn-out and “compassion fatigue” in the face of overwhelming suffering and injustice? Come join us for a meditation

Mar 022016
 March 2, 2016

Rescued all 4 elements and all of the participants in Forbidden Island.  Yay!  Pondered what an additive game might look like (Forbidden Island is a subtractive game). And, in response to a great question, learned what the Universalism in our name means. (Thank you Rev. Roger for your input).  On March 6th, we will take

Mar 012016
 March 1, 2016
What's This From The UU Mile?

From time-to-time, let’s play a game of “What’s this from the UU Mile?” So… I was out for a walk on the UU Mile of the Parkway on 2/29/16 when this little bird sat still for the 1/4000 of a second (f/5.6, ISO 800, 400 mm) needed for a portrait. What is this bird?