May 042016
 May 4, 2016

8 JHYGers played the first turn on the board (thank you Aliya) of our game ! WOW Looking forward to May 22 when we will say goodbye for the summer over pizza while we review the year, what we can do over the summer if we choose and, I am informed and believe, we will also meet

May 042016
 May 4, 2016
Music from Moscow:  Cello / Piano, Saturday, May 21

Benefit Concert for the Refugee Support Program at UUSS 3:00 p.m., Saturday, May 21 at UUSS Nicholas Dold, piano; Anne Suda-Wybenga, cello Dr. Suda-Wybenga is an LA-based soloist and chamber musician. Nicholas Dold is an accompanist at the San Francisco Conservatory. He has played at UUSS and for three years at the UU Church of Bloomington

May 012016
 May 1, 2016
RE Garden Day

“Plants and Popcorn!” Spirit Play and True Reflections spent the morning in our UUSS UUrth Song CommUUnity Garden. With guidance from Glory Wicklund, the group planted flowers and hung prayer flags. The kids enjoyed each others company and had popcorn and lemonade together under the trees. Many thanks to all the RE families that participated

May 012016
 May 1, 2016
Big DOG!  The church is not a participant, but many causes we care about are.  Is yours?

Starting at midnight Monday and going all day Tuesday, May 3, is the third annual Big Day of Giving in the Sacramento region.  Last year Big DOG raised $6,000,000 for many important arts, social service, education, nature preservation, and justice organizations.  While UUSS does not participate, many of our friends and members are active supporters