Jul 082016
 July 8, 2016
UUSS Art Committee presents

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento presents Manzanar An exhibition of the artwork of David Peterson, Rebecca Jaggers, and Woody Hansen. Exhibit dates August 5 to August 30, 2016 Artists reception Friday, August 5 from 5:30 to 7 pm. UUSS Main Hall, 2425 Sierra Boulevard, Sacramento, California For more information call

Jul 072016
 July 7, 2016
Welcome Kits from UUSS found their way to a new Family

World Relief Director, Joy Justus expressed gratitude to UUSS for our generous donations of Welcome Kits and cash to supply new apartments for arriving families.  Here is the first family to receive one of our Kits, the Svitlanas, just arrived from Ukraine. Thank you to all of you who responded to our team’s June 19th

Jul 062016
 July 6, 2016

Welcome to VP Margaret Wilcox and Members at Large – Kathy Bernard, Elizabeth Pataki, and Sally White. Thank you for offering to serve our Congregation! And a fond farewell to departing Trustees: Linda Klein, Denis Edgren, Carol Jacobs, Shirley Hines, and Skylar Primavera. We thank you for your service, dedication, and generous spirit. And best