Aug 102016
 August 10, 2016
UUSS teen party

Swimming, food, games, music, fun! If you want to swim, please bring a swim suit and towel. Set for: Saturday August 20, 2016 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  Contact Annette at *protected email* for more information.

Aug 102016
 August 10, 2016

OWL, what’s that?  Parents and guardians are invited to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, August 21 after service. UUSS is offering Our Whole Lives for children & youth in grades 4-6 and for grades 7-9 this upcoming RE year. Read more about OWL on the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) website here.

Aug 092016
 August 9, 2016
Parkway UU Mile Cleanup This Saturday, Aug. 13

Hi, All, It’s deep summertime and the UU mile of the American River Parkway definitely needs some TLC.  As requested by the Parkway Foundation of the stewards of each mile, I spent about 3 hours last week documenting the “condition” of our area of responsibility.  Unsightly evidence of summertime use was easy to find, and

Aug 092016
 August 9, 2016

Summer SHYG project postponed!: UUSS is the host site for a regional youth conference this coming weekend. That means on Sunday, 8/14 all UUSS high school youth and their UU high school friends will attend the service together. The project originally scheduled for 8/14 has been postponed till the regular year in RE starts up.

Aug 072016
 August 7, 2016

Today the congregation voted to approve the mounting of a Black Lives Matter banner at UUSS. The ballot read, “I approve the installation of a banner or sign on UUSS property to be visible from Sierra Boulevard, indicating that Black Lives Matter to UUSS”. Yes votes: 95          No votes: 22  

Aug 072016
 August 7, 2016

I love life….more…

Aug 072016
 August 7, 2016
post types

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Aug 032016
 August 3, 2016

Sunday, 8/7: We will hear from several of our high school graduates as they move toward young adulthood. Come to hear them and be blessed by their words of wisdom and honesty. Come also to bless them on their journey.

Aug 022016
 August 2, 2016
Thank You from SURJ

“Thank you to the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento for inviting us to facilitate a dialogue on Black Lives Matter and the role and work of white allies. #blacklivesmatter #surjsacramento #allywork“ Pictured above: Emily Martin, SURJ Sacramento Chapter Leader; Sarah Turner, UUSS; Joseph Turner, UUSS; Amy Moore, SURJ Sacramento; Maddi Behrouzmand-Stratton, SURJ Sacramento. We hope