Sep 262016
 September 26, 2016

Fun, challenging, awesome are the targets that JHYGers identified for the games they (individually) and we collectively will make that use the 7  principles and 6 pillars of UUism. It was a great day that produced beautiful, interesting, and varied game boards made from recycled materials. We played a simple game that JHYGers  work on

Sep 252016
 September 25, 2016

MASS INCARCERATION: FROM THE UNITED STATES TO PALESTINE Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the UUSS Sanctuary Panel Discussion with, Richard Becker, ANSWER Coalition Palestinian & U.S. political prisoners. & Dale McKinney, NAACP Sacramento U.S. School to Prison Pipeline and Mass Incarceration & Beth Miller, No Way to Treat a Child

Sep 252016
 September 25, 2016
IRC Needs Welcome Kits! Sunday, Oct. 16 @ 12 PM

Refugee Welcome Kits Sunday, Oct. 16 The International Rescue Committee (IRC) Sacramento has told us that 200 refugee families are scheduled to arrive in this area in the coming weeks, and is asking for our help. We will be assembling Refugee Welcome Kits after service on Sunday, Oct. 16.  If you can’t be here, you

Sep 252016
 September 25, 2016

1) GENERAL VOLUNTEER INTEREST If you were UNABLE to attend our August 26th orientation and want to volunteer, please sign up with IRC online as an individual and you will receive a link to sign up for a phone interview, or will receive an invitation to a general information session as follows: Please review IRC Sacramento’s Volunteer

Sep 242016
 September 24, 2016
Photos from our Palestinian Cooking Class!

Photos from the Palestinian Cooking class we held in August. We learned to make three dishes and then we got to eat them! Photos taken by Kim Stoddard

Sep 232016
 September 23, 2016

7 youth and 3 advisors in attendance on the first day of the Senior High Youth Group, Sunday 9/18. The group reviewed last year’s covenant and made one minor change. Check back soon for the covenant. SHYG  did a brainstorming planning activity to discuss some topics for this year. Suggested topics included:  -making friends and helping people -Black

Sep 202016
 September 20, 2016
Welcome Back to Spirit Play

We are excited to begin the new year of religious education in Spirit Play. On Sunday, September 18, we gave our participants the annual orientation to Spirit Play. This included sharing with them that the 2016-17 class will again fold in 3rd-5th graders and that we’re meeting in a new-to-them room (room 7/8). The orientation included a tour

Sep 192016
 September 19, 2016
JHYG Neighboring Faiths Session 1: RECAP

Our first session of JHYG Neighboring Faiths was held on September 18th. There were 9 young folks in attendance. Our focus was creating a sharing circle and getting to know one another. Each of us created a name tag and an index card with our name, our most recent fun moment and what we expect

Sep 172016
 September 17, 2016

All are welcome to attend the monthly Board of Trustees meeting. Thursday, September 22 from 7:00 – 9:30pm in the UUSS Library. “They’re actually kinda fun.” Janet Lopes, Board Secretary

Sep 172016
 September 17, 2016
Unitarian Heroes in Nazi Europe:  Ken Burns Documentary Tuesday on PBS

Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War is an account of a daring rescue mission that occurred on the precipice of World War II. It tells the story of Waitstill and Martha Sharp, a Unitarian minister and his wife from Wellesley, Massachusetts, who left their children behind in the care of their parish and boldly committed