Sep 112016
 September 11, 2016
Pastoral Prayer for September 11, 2016--our All-Ages Ingathering Service

by Rev. Roger Jones* Please join me now for these words of prayer and for a minute of silent reflection. Spirit of Life, breathe in us now.  Call us forth into days of peace, courage, healing and hope.  God of Love, shine in our hearts.  Shine forth in our words and our actions.  Let us

Sep 112016
 September 11, 2016
Dedication Ceremony for Sanctuary Sculpture “Embraced”

Sunday during the Sept. 11 worship service we had a brief dedication ceremony  for a new gift of art on our wall. With the title of “Embraced,” it is a beautiful metalwork sculpture by Patty Taylor Gutermute & William Ishmael. We give our deep thanks for their generous gifts of time and talent in designing

Sep 112016
 September 11, 2016

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: The inherent worth and dignity of every person Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations A free and responsible search for truth and meaning The right of conscience and

Sep 092016
 September 9, 2016

The first day of our new Religious Education year is Sunday, September 18. Fill out a 2016-17 registration form now by finding it here.

Sep 072016
 September 7, 2016

Save the date: Next middle school MUUGs Retreat scheduled for November 4-6 in Livermore. Stay tuned for more information about registration. Thanks! Visit the MUUGs site here.

Sep 062016
 September 6, 2016
Best Ever Outreach Concert and Dance Performance Sept 3

We were treated to a stunning evening performance by MaliainMotion Contemporary Dance Company. created by  choreographer and dancer, Malia Jones, with Ina Jun at the Steinway grand and Sandro LaDu on violin to a  very enthusiastic audience of UUSS members, friends, and many visitors from the larger community in support of the Sacramento Chapter of Black Lives Matter.   Meg

Sep 052016
 September 5, 2016
Photos From the Youth Con at Our Church

These are from a couple weeks ago (Aug 12-14) – the first YRUUP Conference our church has hosted. I was able to volunteer for this one as an adult. It’s all youth led, the youth cook the food, schedule everything, run workshops, etc. It’s pretty amazing and affirming of future UUs to watch them in action!  They loved