Oct 302016
 October 30, 2016

I was taken by surprise today at the end of our service when Rev. Lucy, our UUSS Choir, the Board of Trustees and the Committee on Ministry led the congregation in spoken and sung blessings of me as I start my sabbatical.  I was deeply moved and grateful for the good wishes, and for the

Oct 302016
 October 30, 2016
Last Games Workshop for 2016

Game board and rules finished and game played! UU odd and even game is the first level game. This level  requires knowledge of colors, numbers and counting and uses 2 teams.  In 2017 we will add complexity to this foundation for  more challenging games that involved concepts, actions and strategy related to the 6 pillars and the seven principles.

Oct 282016
 October 28, 2016

One of our Community Partners for this year, the Relationship Skills Center, is no longer in business. The Board has decided to replace them with the 13th ranking organization in the 2015 Community Partner election – the Effie Yeaw Nature Center/American River Natural History Association. Our December shared offering will benefit their work in nature and

Oct 272016
 October 27, 2016

Congratulations to our 2016 Unsung Heroes! Tim Anderson, Judy Lane, Glory Wicklund & Keith White Thanks to their behind the scenes hard work and dedication, UUSS is a better place for us all. This award was announced at our October Congregational Meeting.

Oct 252016
 October 25, 2016
The Serenity Prayer for Election Season 2016--

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Give me the grace to stop obsessing about Hillary, Donald, and the overlooked alternative candidates.  Or at least limit my fretting to 15 minutes a day.  Grant me