Oct 202016
 October 20, 2016
Halloween-Themed Games Night! Fri. 10/21 @ 6 PM

HALLOWEEN THEMED GAMES NIGHT Friday, October 21st 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Sophia Fahs Classroom Featured Game: Ultimate Werewolf Dress in costume and bring a spooky treat!

Oct 192016
 October 19, 2016

The following organizations, of which we shall choose 12, are our nominees for Community Partners in 2017: Alzheimer’s Association of Northern CA                  Black Lives Matter Sacramento Children’s Receiving Home                                    

Oct 172016
 October 17, 2016

Follow the link below to find the minutes from last May’s Congregational Meeting. We’ll need to approve them at this Sunday’s meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there! Congregational Meeting minutes Oct’15

Oct 172016
 October 17, 2016

We need advocates for Community Partners chosen at our 2015 October election! If you nominated a group last year, please contact Janet Lopes, Board Secretary, via the Board web page and let her know if you wish to speak this Sunday.

Oct 172016
 October 17, 2016

Follow this link to find the agenda for our upcoming October Congregational Meeting, next Sunday, 10/23, immediately following the service.  http://www.uuss.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/AGENDACongmtg-10-16-1.pdf Sharp eyes will noice that we have resurrected the Unsung Hero Award! It’s been a number of years since we honored a member who works in the background and gives extremely generously of their

Oct 172016
 October 17, 2016

Scott is now added to the Ministers Page. If you haven’t had a chance to read his bio – check it out.

Oct 142016
 October 14, 2016
Refugees & Immigrants:  KQED interview with USA State Dept. official

As we bring supplies or monetary donations to assemble Welcome Kits this Sunday for refugee families coming to be resettled in this area, you might find this interview worth a listen. I found it fascinating. Anne Richard is Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.  Our local partners at IRC

Oct 142016
 October 14, 2016
Will the Paris Agreement Protect Our Climate? October 22 at SLC

The Sacramento Spiritual Life Center (SLC) has invited the local community in general (and UUSS in particular) to a panel discussion Saturday morning, Oct. 22, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at 2201 Park Towne Circle, Sacramento.  The Paris Agreement on climate change is a spiritual imperative of critical importance to our planet.   Opportunities will be

Oct 132016
 October 13, 2016

If you’re in your 20s 30s come join us for a ministry circle – food and sharing – at 7pm tonight (Thur). More info at the facebook event, newcomers welcome!