Oct 032016
 October 3, 2016
Rev Roger's Pot of Gold message

Rev Roger writes, “Very proud of our congregation’s ministry to children and youth. Yesterday was the annual Pot of Gold Religious Education conference for this district, held at the Palo Alto church. That means we had to get up early and rendezvous for carpools at 6:30. The keynote speaker, Dr. Mark Hicks, from Meadville Lombard’s

Oct 022016
 October 2, 2016

Join me now in the spirit of community prayer. As we name those people or places on our hearts, let us feel free to speak them into the space of this sanctuary. The spoken prayer will be followed by a minute of silence together, and then by music from the piano. Let us open ourselves

Oct 022016
 October 2, 2016
First Meeting a Complete Success

The first meeting of the UU Saturday Stitchers was a fun time had by all. We look forward to more joining us in November! Hope you will too.

Oct 012016
 October 1, 2016

Please plan on attending our October Congregational Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 23. We’ll meet in the Sanctuary at the conclusion of our regular Sunday Service. This is an annual business meeting which will require a quorum of members to attend. You will get to hear from President Linda Clear, Treasurer Gordon Gerwig, Ministers Roger &