Dec 092016
 December 9, 2016
Help UUSS fill 100 Christmas Stockings  for the Homeless

Let’s be generous this season for those who are struggling. The choir has generously agreed to spearhead this effort.  You can pick up the list of items needed in the stocking after church on Sunday.  Stockings need to be returned by Sunday the 18th at church, or the 22nd to the office.  The choir has

Dec 092016
 December 9, 2016
Parkway Cleanup Postponed to Next Week, Saturday, December 17

Several sources of weather information predict significant amounts of rain on the Parkway tonight and tomorrow. Even though, while out in a rainstorm, an old cowboy once told me, “Son, you ain’t sugar; you won’t melt!”, I think it best to cancel tomorrow’s cleanup of the UU Mile, and postpone it one week to Saturday,

Dec 052016
 December 5, 2016
Drone Video of Renovated UUSS Building - Recorded March 2016

Colene Schlaepfer’s grandson Nick recorded this with Stanton using a high quality drone camera he uses for work. Thanks to everybody! Hint: after hitting play click the button  in the very bottom right of the video  to make it FULLSCREEN. Click the gear icon and select 1080 for highest quality…

Dec 042016
 December 4, 2016
Cleanup of the UU Mile of the Parkway Saturday, December 10

Hi, Folks, With my appreciation to our cleanup crew member Rayma Forrest for offering it, we have a quote from E. O. Wilson to set the spirit for our December invitation to clean up UU’s adopted mile of the American River Parkway.  As a renowned biologist and author, Dr. Wilson is known as “the father

Dec 042016
 December 4, 2016

blah blah blah dirk is awesome!

Dec 042016
 December 4, 2016

blah blah blah dirk is terrible at typing  

Dec 042016
 December 4, 2016

blah blah blah blah

Dec 032016
 December 3, 2016
Banner Gifts for your holiday greetings, give to UUSS and your loved ones!

In our Welcome Hall this month and in our Bookstore next month, you will find the Banner items friendly to every budget and note cards perfect for this holiday and every occasion, and the new 2017-2018 Calendar that includes large photos of our newest original 14 Banners.  Reply to this message to place an order,

Dec 032016
 December 3, 2016
We're Halfway to Owning the "OM"

Have you seen this beautiful sculpture outside our Welcome Hall?  We need 38 people to donate $100 each to make to keep this sculpture our own – and we have 19 donations! Lets keep up the energy and commitment.  Any level of donation is welcome. Look for the table in the welcome hall after church on