Dec 032016
 December 3, 2016

Theater One is sponsoring a six-week improvisational acting class led by a professional actor, director and teacher, Betsaida LeBron. The six sessions, Sunday evenings, 6-8 p.m. at UUSS in the Fahs Room, January 8 through February 12, 2017. The cost is $105 for the entire series. Class is limited to 10-24 people. Sign up at

Dec 032016
 December 3, 2016

Rev. Martha Hodges offers this class as an opportunity to develop your personal credo, the fundamental beliefs and values that direct your life; and to come to terms with human nature, ultimate reality, history, ethics and religious meaning. Ten Thursdays at 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m., January 12 through March 16, 2017. Please sign up

Dec 022016
 December 2, 2016

The Board of Trustees December meeting will be on Thursday, December 15th at 7:00pm in the Fahs room. We are meeting a week early due to the holidays. You are welcome to join us!