Jan 222017
 January 22, 2017

Sunday morning January 22, 2017 TRIBUTE Four weeks out of every year, we host homeless families in the classrooms of our education building. As a participating congregation in Sacramento Family Promise, we provide meals, warm hospitality, and a safe place for parents and kids to stay overnight for a week. In the daytime, the kids

Jan 222017
 January 22, 2017
Strength like a Mountain - A Service for All Ages

January 22, 2017 Strength like a Mountain – A Service for All Ages Rev. Lucy Bunch, Rev. Roger Jones, and Ministerial Intern D. Scott Cooper; Worship Associates Ginny Johnson, Marilyn Reynolds, & Laura Sheperd; UUSS Choir w/Keith Atwater, Music Director We celebrate mountains – their beauty and their strength. We honor the beings and things

Jan 212017
 January 21, 2017

A class begins at UUSS on the Great World Religions, and first to be studied is “Christianity: History and meaning”.  Join us on Fridays, February 3 – April 14, 2017 in the UUSS Library 3 – 4 p.m. and repeated, 7 – 8 p.m.  Enjoy a Great Courses video followed by discussion.  Hosted by Ray

Jan 192017
 January 19, 2017
Black Lives Matter Open Meeting - Sat. 1/21 @ 6 PM

BLACK LIVES MATTER SACRAMENTO: OPEN MEETING Saturday, January 21, 2017 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Wellspring Women’s Center 3414 Fourth Avenue Visit the Facebook event page for more information.

Jan 172017
 January 17, 2017
No Child Behind Bars: UU Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon to speak

Wednesday, Jan. 18th 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. UUSS Sanctuary Join us for an evening with Unitarian Universalist Minister Amanda Weatherspoon & 15 year old Palestinian, Ahed Tamimi. Amanda Weatherspoon’s ministry is centered on collective liberation, pursuing human rights work domestically and internationally, and organizing toward black liberation. Ahed Tamimi is from Palestine. These two young

Jan 162017
 January 16, 2017
If you like to read and discuss interesting books......

…please join us on Tuesday, January 31 at 7pm in the library. Our book this month is Hillbilly Elegy by J D Vance. This account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town offers insights to America’s white working class. The book was also recently discussed by the UUSS Social Justice group. We welcome

Jan 162017
 January 16, 2017
Yes the UUSS All Ages Camp will again be at Camp Norge!

Yes the UUSS All Ages Camp will again be at Camp Norge! Hold these dates on your calendar … June 10 to June 12. Aug. 11 – 13. We start registration in March. The only problem is that during the last rain storm the bridge to from highway 80 over the creek on the way to camp