Feb 182017
 February 18, 2017

We just found out from Family Promise staff that the one family that is currently in the program received their permanent housing yesterday and will be moving in tomorrow. So at the moment there are no families coming to UUSS on Sunday, but the staff has several families undergoing the in-take process so we may

Feb 182017
 February 18, 2017

Board Meeting this Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7:00pm in the Library. Please feel free to join us!

Feb 172017
 February 17, 2017
Kids/Youth in this weekend's all ages service

Kids and youth from Religious Education are welcome with us in service this weekend. There are no Religious Education classes. We will have a craft table set up inside the sanctuary for chalice coloring. See you there.

Feb 162017
 February 16, 2017

The Finance Committee is currently working with our Treasurer, Gordon Gerwig, and the Board to prepare a budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year. As in the past, there will be budget forums prior to our May Congregational meeting. The dates will be announced soon. Please plan to attend one of these informational sessions. We always welcome

Feb 162017
 February 16, 2017

Friday the 17th: Great World Religions–”Christianity: history and meaning”. In the UUSS Library at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Watch Professor Luke Timothy Johnson’s college lecture on video from the Great Religions course, followed by discussion. This is a drop-in class, and all are welcome.

Feb 152017
 February 15, 2017

Join us on Friday, Feb. 17 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fahs Room for a casual night of open gaming and potluck.  Bring your favorite party games and a snack to share.

Feb 132017
 February 13, 2017
We'd love to have you join us.....

…to discuss this best-selling book at the church on Tuesday, February 28 at 7pm. The author, Paulette Jiles, is a Canadian poet and novelist who has published more than a dozen works. NEWS OF THE WORLD is a lyrical tale which delivers empathy and depth of character in just over 200 pages. Come and tell

Feb 132017
 February 13, 2017
SALAM visit

RE’s Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) visits the SALAM (Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims) Mosque through the Neighboring Faiths program. Thanks to all for organizing the visit.

Feb 092017
 February 9, 2017

Friday the 10th: Great World Religions–Christianity. In the UUSS Library at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m., a video from the Great Religions course, lecturer Prof. Luke Timothy Johnson. Video followed by a discussion on what is a major religion and a comparison of Christianity and Buddhism.  

Feb 082017
 February 8, 2017
Refugee Work Bag Drive - Sunday, Feb. 19

Help refugees begin their careers by donating work bags filled with these basic items: Reusable Water Bottle Insulated Lunch Bag Watch Portfolio Holder USB Stick (8 GB) Notebook & Pen Mini First Aid Kit Umbrella Optional: Gift Card under $50 Drop off your donations in the Welcome Hall on Sunday, Feb. 19.  For more information, email *protected email*.