Feb 072017
 February 7, 2017

Marsha Spell the Executive Director of Family Promise, Sacramento, will lead an in-service training workshop on Sunday, 2/12, noon to 1:30, room TBA. If you have volunteered in the past or are thinking of volunteering in the future, this is a wonderful opportunity to: learn how to interact with our guests in even more positive

Feb 062017
 February 6, 2017
Saturday Stitchers is growing!

We are growing every month. More and more enthusiasts are joining in the fun. Two new additions to the group! Judy and Megan. Group shot of the room and it’s activities. Thank you Susan C for these additional pictures! L-R Molly, Rahima, Susan, Laurie; Foreground: Nina  

Feb 052017
 February 5, 2017

Last October, 5 people in four different states shut the valves on pipelines carrying tar sands oil.  The “Valve Turners” say their actions are not only necessary, but morally and legally justified to avoid the catastrophic harm caused to humanity by unprecedented climate disruption.  They now face serious charges, up to decades in prison.  Why

Feb 022017
 February 2, 2017
The Twelve Steps as a Spiritual Practice

EDIT: This class is cancelled until further notice effective 2/16/17 Here is a 12-Step recovery group for anyone who is struggling with an addiction or is just interested in using the twelve steps as a way of life and/or spiritual practice. Meets the first and third Thursdays of the month, 7 p.m. – 8:30 in Room 6 at UUSS.

Feb 012017
 February 1, 2017

We will be hosting families February 19-25 How to Help Sign-up either at the Family Promise table at UUSS February 5, 12 and 19. Click the link to see what volunteer opportunities are available Volunteer Master – Feb 2017 If you would like more information or a description of volunteer opportunities go to UUSS Family Promise

Feb 012017
 February 1, 2017

  [from February Unigram] Now begins Phase 2 of the sabbatical.  I will be traveling for short visits to Truckee, Tucson, Phoenix, a retreat center near Occidental, a lake house near Tulsa, and maybe to Asia if I can pull together the frequent flier miles or the money to do so.  I’ll keep working on

Feb 012017
 February 1, 2017
First Thursday Social Justice Movie Night Thursday Feb 2

Join us for film and discussion at 6:30 p.m. in the Welcome Hall.  The Divide The Divide takes a deeply personal look at wealth inequality, telling the story of seven individuals striving for a better life in the modern day U.S. and U.K. — where the top 0.1% owns as much wealth as the bottom 90%.