Mar 072017
 March 7, 2017
UUSS's Parkway Steward Chefs Sellout Superb Soups!

The UUSS Parkway Stewards’ Soup Sunday was a rousing success! Every portion of all eight soups prepared by our group was consumed by appreciative savorers of the diverse and delicious array, yielding donations to UUSS of $404. Unfortunately, not all of our chefs were available for the after-event photo, below. Among the missing key folks

Mar 072017
 March 7, 2017

Have you turned in your pledge card? We each are responsible for supporting our beloved community. Without your pledge, we cannot plan. Pledge forms and information available after church, or go to

Mar 062017
 March 6, 2017
Spirit Play Art

The Spirit Play space is created every Sunday morning and allows for creative wondering. Participants are given an opportunity to explore the stories personally through re-telling or through art materials provided. This allows Spirit Play children to connect and make meaning to the story.

Mar 052017
 March 5, 2017

Join us in the Main Hall on Wednesdays 2-3 p.m., starting March 22.  Students will have a wonderful time dancing to a wide variety of upbeat music hits and learning dance basics in a fun and supportive environment.  $15/class.  Sign up at the Adult Enrichment table or drop in. Instructor Malia Jones is a professional

Mar 042017
 March 4, 2017
First RE day of March!

This weekend we have Religious Education classes for all groups: –Nursery kids infant age through preschool are welcome to be dropped off in our Room 11 Nursery before getting settled in our sanctuary. The Nursery opens early every weekend for parents/guardians who wish to attend our Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices before service. -Children in elementary

Mar 032017
 March 3, 2017
Resilience Gatherings - Beginning Tuesday, March 7, 2017 6:30 PM

Feeling beleaguered by the challenges in our world? Need a spiritual boost in the middle of the week? Join us on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. for a Resilience Gathering. This 45-minute session will include singing, readings, silence, prayer, and a ritual of hope and encouragement. There will be

Mar 012017
 March 1, 2017

For the first time in the history of Sacramento Family Promise there were no families that needed to stay at UUSS, but if there had been we were ready. So a HUGE thank you to: Everyone who volunteered, holding their schedules open so that we could jump into action if need be The committee chairs

Mar 012017
 March 1, 2017

Please return your pledge forms! Forms and collection boxes available at the Stewardship table after church. The Stewardship committee members at the table can answer your questions. See for more information. Thank you for supporting UUSS.