May 172017
 May 17, 2017

This Sunday, May 21 is our annual Congregational Meeting to elect officers and approve the budget. Meet in the Sanctuary at noon, then sign in at the tables to get your ballot and budget summary. The meeting will start once a quorum is established. All are welcome, but only members can vote. Salad lunch will be available from

May 172017
 May 17, 2017

World’s Great Religions: Islam. Friday, May 19 at 3:00 p.m. in the UUSS Library: Video and discussion on Islam, hosted by Ray Reynolds. All welcome!

May 122017
 May 12, 2017
Native Voices and Earth Justice! At UUSS Sunday June 4 @ 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

An event about indigenous people’s environmental movement and about removing investment in fossil fuels from our taxpayer-funded retirement systems and our personal savings. Featuring Pennie Opal Plant from  “Idle No More SF Bay” a group of Native Americans and allies rising up for the rights of Indigenous People, Mother Earth and the coming generations; and

May 092017
 May 9, 2017

Absentee ballots for the election of officers at our May 21 Congregational Meeting are available: in the UUSS office from Board Secretary Janet Lopes on our website – Click on this ballot link to download your copy. Fill out your ballot and turn it in or mail it to the UUSS office prior to our May 21

May 062017
 May 6, 2017

Good news: We had a terrific first day of registration for camp!! Most of your favorite people have already signed up! Bad news: The Rustic Dorm Lodging is filling up fast!! We only have one cozy cabin left!! Sign up early to save your spot. Sign up early so we can be assured of covering

May 042017
 May 4, 2017

This Saturday (can you believe it’s been a MONTH already?)! for more info