Jul 102017
 July 10, 2017
Family Promise / Games Night Mash-up 6/16/17

In June we tried something new and merged Games Night with Family Promise to be inclusive and provide an evening of entertainment to our overnight guests.  The featured game was Wheel of Fortune! with lots of wacky prizes.  It was a true multi-generational evening of fun! Thanks to Dirk Tuell and Sara Gandara for hosting

Jul 102017
 July 10, 2017
Walkin' Boots Walk, UC Davis Arboretum, Saturday July 15, 2017, 8AM

Join Taylor Lewis on a guided tour of the UC Davis Arboretum nursery and walk in the arboretum to see the extensive plant and tree collections, gardens and Putah Creek waterway. The walk will be about 3-miles on a  mostly paved route. Walk will be on Saturday, July 15 at 8 AM. Hike leader: Taylor

Jul 082017
 July 8, 2017
On July 25 we will meet...

…to discuss Margaret MacMillan’s DANGEROUS GAMES: The Uses and Abuses of History at 7pm in the church. A reviewer has said about it, “In a world where the spin-doctor has replaced the historian, MacMillan reminds readers of the importance of dispassionate, fact-driven narrative, as opposed to reassuring or self-serving accounts that pass for history while

Jul 032017
 July 3, 2017

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento July 2, 2017 Hymns America the Beautiful (#241 in Hymns for the Celebration of Life, UUA), Circle Round for Freedom (#155 in Singing the Living Tradition), We’ll Build a Land (#121 in SLT, revised refrain: “Come build a land where all of our kindred….” Reading American scripture, from the Declaration

Jul 032017
 July 3, 2017

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento, Annual Blessing of our Elected Lay Leadership Sunday, July 2, 2017   Minister:  The first of July was the first day of a new program year and budget year at our congregation.  It was also the day that several newly elected lay leaders begin their terms of service.  They are joining

Jul 032017
 July 3, 2017
Ride Sharing Requests or Offers?

Why Share a Ride to Church? Save on gas money Help someone get to church who otherwise could not Reduce our carbon footprint Get to know someone in your neighborhood Ease our crowded parking Click to fill out our Ride Sharing Form if you are interested in getting rides or giving rides or both (uuss.org/ridesharing).