Aug 172017
 August 17, 2017
Earth Justice Ministry Film Night--Sunday, August 27

We’ll be showing “This Changes Everything” by Naomi Klein, based on her book of the same title.  The film is considered , “purposefully unsettling…ultimately encouraging.”  We discussed the book in 2015.  We’ll serve vegan snacks.  Film begins at 6:30, ends at 8:00.  Doors open at 6:00.  in the Fahs Room, Sunday evening, August 27.  Hope

Aug 132017
 August 13, 2017
Stand in Solidarity Tonight Aug 13th- Unite Against Racism  Join Rev Lucy 7:30 at City Hall

Join fellow UUs and our community to stand up against hate. After the events yesterday in Virginia, organizations around the country are coming together to “Stand in Solidarity with Charlottesville.” Here in Sacramento, we will have our own vigil for those all those who fought against hate, and those who were injured and lost their lives.

Aug 122017
 August 12, 2017
UUSS present at July 2017 Refinery Corridor Healing Walk

On July 16, two members of our UU Interfaith Earth Justice team marched 14 miles with Refinery Healing Walks and Idle No More SF Bay to bring attention to the adverse health effects and dangers posed by the five petroleum refineries in San Francisco Bay area.

Aug 092017
 August 9, 2017

Things are going well getting prepped for Camp. Just a few more important things: Keep dogs on leash and out of the kitchens. At night: No food outside and all garbage in the dumpster (we are on the edge of wildness). For those of you in the Rustic Lodging there is a change this year:

Aug 072017
 August 7, 2017
Know Your Rights - Legal Observation Training Sat. 8/12

Saturday, August 12 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Sophia Fahs Classroom Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento Cres Velluci of the National Lawyers Guild Sacramento Chapter will be teaching folx their rights when protesting.  He will also provide legal observation training and lead a more advanced discussion on civil disobedience. Max capacity  is 50 people so this event

Aug 062017
 August 6, 2017
All-Ages Holiday Party in December

Before we moved away from our UUSS home for the building expansion we had a yearly party with holiday music on piano and carol singing, a potluck (usually a dessert potluck, but all courses in earlier years), holiday craft making, game playing, sometimes a Santa visit, and other fun as devised.  It’s ranged from 60

Aug 052017
 August 5, 2017

Some of our Camp Activities: Our first Annual Glamping Contest for most festive camp site Campfire with Singing and Ghost Stories Qigong Swimming Pool Play Structure Horse Shoes At least One Frisbee Craft Weaving T-Shirt Painting Hiking Chit Chatting Napping (my personal favorite) Camp Talent Show Info: Show it off! COME ONE, COME ALL……………… You’re

Aug 042017
 August 4, 2017
Ina and Sandro

Ina and Sandro perform UUSS Sunday