Sep 182017
 September 18, 2017
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Reading/Action Group Event 9/20/17

Racism in the “In”-justice System and the case of Armani Lee Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. UUSS Welcome Hall The Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Sacramento Chapter will be discussing Michelle Alexander’s article, “The New Jim Crow“ as well as the article, “The Gentrification-to-Prison Pipeline“ by Lacino Hamilton, linking them to

Sep 182017
 September 18, 2017
Oliver Sacks, a brilliantly unconventional physician and writer, has...

…written over a dozen books, many of them illuminating the many ways that the brain makes us human. We’re going to discuss this memoir (On the Move: A Life) at the church on Tuesday, September 26, at 7:00 pm. All are invited to join us — we’d love to have you come.

Sep 142017
 September 14, 2017
Interfaith Climate Change Action - Today Faith Groups Support SB 100!

SB 100 would require 100 percent clean energy by 2045.  This is our first interfaith climate engagement by Interfaith Earth Justice.  Contact *protected email*  if you would like to help us to join with other faith groups to advocate for climate change action.

Sep 102017
 September 10, 2017

Thank you for your generosity and your concern.  Here are a few ways to give. If you are not able to give online or would rather write a check, make it out to UUA and put Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Harvey in the memo line.  You can drop it off at the church office at

Sep 102017
 September 10, 2017

My Introduction to the Reading The news has been full of disasters and impending disasters.  Many of us are worried about our loved ones or beloved places in the storm zones of Texas, Florida, the Gulf Coast, Puerto Rico, Cuba and other Caribbean island nations.  Many are worried about people whose lives were already precarious

Sep 102017
 September 10, 2017

This was part of my opening remarks at our Homecoming Service today. We had the traditional mingling of the waters in-gathering ritual for all ages. -> Good morning! Welcome to a new church year. Whether you’ve been here for 70 years or just walked in 7 minutes ago, welcome home. Wherever you are on your journey,

Sep 092017
 September 9, 2017
Results of UU Parkway Mile Cleanup Today, 9-9-17

Hi, Folks, We had an excellent crew of fourteen people today to clean up the UU mile of the American River Parkway. Shown from left in the first photo below are our wonderful volunteers: Marian Ashe, Tony Van Curen, Carl Gardner, Jeff Voeller, Wayne Bell, Nancy Gilbert, David Fontaine, Kathy Fontaine, Betty Crockford, Gary Keill,

Sep 082017
 September 8, 2017
Sunday, September 10

For our traditional Water Communion, bring a small jar of water that represents your summer activities or sources of spiritual refreshment, whether the water comes from near or far.