Oct 202017
 October 20, 2017
Ukulele Jam Session October 29

Come to our Ukulele Jam Session, Sunday, October 29 at 11:45 in the Main Hall. We’ll bring sheet music and extra ukuleles. Info at *protected email*

Oct 182017
 October 18, 2017
ARPF "Recreate for Health" program to provide at-risk youth opportunities to enjoy the outdoors

Today we met with Chris Aguirre of the American River Parkway Foundation’s “Recreate for Health” program to see how we could support their program to provide at-risk youth opportunities to enjoy the outdoors in a safe, healthy setting. Recreate for Health, an  outdoor educational and rec program, works with youth development organizations in under-served communities

Oct 182017
 October 18, 2017
Sac ACT Environmental Justice Committee Work is Underway! Next Meeting Nov. 21st

Fourteen talented people gathered on 10/17 to continue the research process to determine our priorities and actions.  This month we are meeting with ECOS and 350 Sacramento, and we are scheduling meetings with the Mayor’s office to discuss the distribution of the $44M VW settlement funds Sacramento is getting and with the Sacramento Housing Alliance,

Oct 172017
 October 17, 2017
Nov. 5, 2017 Speaker Dr. Tom Suchanek, "Climate Change"

Speaker: Dr. Thomas Suchanek November 5, 2017     1:00 – 2:00 PM Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento 2425 Sierra Blvd.  Sacramento, CA 95825 CLIMATE CHANGE: WHERE ARE WE NOW? Dr. Tom Suchanek is a marine ecologist and climate scientist. His lecture on November 5th, “Climate Change: Where Are We Now?”, will include the scientific basis behind

Oct 162017
 October 16, 2017
Join us to discuss Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind....

…by Yuval Noah Harari. This NYTs best seller explores ways in which science and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be “human”. We’ll meet at the church on Tuesday, October 31 at 7pm. We hope to see you!

Oct 152017
 October 15, 2017

[This material was provided at the forum on Sunday, October 15. Board members and others in attendance said it would be helpful to put this on the website so that voting Members could read it before the October 22 Congregational Meeting. Any questions may be directed to *protected email*.] Minister Emeritus or Minister Emerita is

Oct 142017
 October 14, 2017
UU Parkway Mile Cleanup Results, 10/14/17

Many thanks are extended to the lively and hard-working UUs who came out for today’s cleanup of the UU mile of the American River Parkway.  In the first photograph below, showing irrepressible spirit in tackling a tough task, are Cheryl Dawson and Cassandra Sove.  In the second photograph are Jeff Voeller, Don Thornberry, Cassandra Sove,

Oct 142017
 October 14, 2017

The UUSS long range planning effort engages all of us in charting where our spiritual community should be headed over the next five years.  How will we live our mission here in Sacramento as “We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.” We’ll kick off this planning effort with a