Nov 222017
 November 22, 2017
THANKS and some pics and a video of UUSS dancing...

Make sure you check out the pictures and video at the bottom… Hello UUSS Family! We wanted to take one final moment to reflect on Prom 2017. Gen Y was asked in the spring of this year to host a fundraiser in the fall. Many members of our group are new to the church and

Nov 222017
 November 22, 2017
November Donations for Homeless Women & Children

Annika, a Senior High Youth Group member and UUSS Trustee, is organizing a drive for St. John’s Program for Real Change, which provides GED classes, counseling, and job readiness courses for women escaping homelessness, poverty and domestic abuse. Seeking donations of feminine hygiene products (unopened tampons, pads, wipes, etc.), professional clothing, and cleaning supplies as

Nov 212017
 November 21, 2017
Share your pictures with us!

Did you happen to catch a photo of UUSS in action?  The Stewardship Committee would like to share photos of the events, people, and social justice work at UUSS in our upcoming campaign.  Please email photos as an attachment to *protected email* or drop them off at the office.  To make sure we get the

Nov 202017
 November 20, 2017
Your Religious Services Committee--

at our yearly planning retreat November 18.  A great bunch of deep-hearted and eloquent volunteers with two grateful ministers!

Nov 182017
 November 18, 2017
Website Training November 26th (Sunday)

November 26th – Sunday Now we have a beginners and an advanced class for learning more. Click here to sign up! There is a beginners class (12:45p-1:45p) AND an advanced class (2:00p-3:00p). If you want to learn how to post updates for your group then the beginners class is meant for you. If you’ve attended a previous training but want

Nov 172017
 November 17, 2017

this Sunday, November 19, 3:00 p.m. Humanist Association of Greater Sacramento meeting at the Reason Center at 1824 Tribute Road, Suite A, Sacramento 95815. Bill Durston, MD, is an emergency physician who has treated innumerable gunshot victims during his more than 35 years of practice in Sacramento, California. Bill retired from working in the ER in

Nov 152017
 November 15, 2017
UU Parkway Stewards Serve In Many Ways

Wow!  An awesome crew turned out last Saturday morning to clean up the UU mile of the American River Parkway.  Nineteen good-spirited folks from UUSS pitched in to rid our adopted mile of about 400 lbs. of trash!  Nineteen volunteers is a record number for any of our cleanups. In the photo below, roughly from the left (…uh…, yeah;

Nov 142017
 November 14, 2017
Show up Saturday! The community wants its mural back

THE COMMUNITY WANTS ITS MURAL BACK! SATURDAY 11/18   12:00 – 2:00 pm GUILD THEATER   35th & Broadway A couple weeks ago, a beautiful mural commemorating Black community members who were killed by local law enforcement showed up on the side of The Guild Theater in Oak Park, a community that is rapidly erasing

Nov 142017
 November 14, 2017

test test2

Nov 142017
 November 14, 2017
