Nov 132017
 November 13, 2017
St. John's Program for Real change needs our help

–for several years our congregation has supported St. John’s Shelter Program for Women & Children, now called Program for Real Change.  Our volunteers cook and serve dinner to women and their children once a month, and we give about $3,000 a year through our Sunday shared offerings.  This month, a senior high youth is collecting

Nov 132017
 November 13, 2017

Fundraising policies adopted by Fund Raising Strategy Team (FRST), with the consent of the Board of Trustees, August 2017 1. When a group internal to the congregation identifies an unmet need that it has, the group should: a. First look to any funds allocated to the group through the current UUSS operating budget. b. If

Nov 122017
 November 12, 2017
Games Night 11/17

In the Fahs Room at 6:00pm Come join our all-ages casual night of gaming.  We’ll have board and card games to play or you can bring your favorite games to share! The turkey has escaped, please bring a potluck item to share. Comment or contact us at *protected email* if you have any questions/ideas.  

Nov 092017
 November 9, 2017
Another Sac Area Congregations Together Research Meeting! Next Meeting Nov. 21st

Today we met with Chris Brown of the Sacramento Climate Coalition to learn more about climate change issues impacting Sacramento communities. The Sac ACT Environmental Justice Committee will meet at UUSS on Tuesday November 21 @ 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. to share what we learned from this meeting and our meetings with 350 Sacramento and

Nov 092017
 November 9, 2017
Walking Meditation Saturday

Introduction to Walking Meditations Using the Labyrinth. When: Saturday, November 11, 2017 9:00 a.m. – Noon Where: UUSS Library and Welcome Hall Cost: Love offering Facilitator: Christie Braziel

Nov 082017
 November 8, 2017

Parents’ Coffee & Conversation with Rev. Roger: Spiritual issues in rearing teenagers! Sunday, November 12 From 9:10-10:10 AM in the Fahs Classroom. Coffee provided; bring any snack you’d like to eat or share. Whether your young person is involved with OWL, JHYG, SHYG, MUUGs, or other programs, feel free to come. This is to get