Jan 162018
 January 16, 2018
Great Sac ACT Environmental Justice Meeting Tonight!

We organized to present our case that climate change, affordable housing and public transit must be included in Sacramento’s new Environmental Justice General Plan element.  We’ll be speaking about that in the County’s scoping meetings for this element in January. We also had a great presentation on the status and content of Sacramento County’s Climate

Jan 162018
 January 16, 2018
January 2018 Was a blast!

Ginny, Sally, Dianne and Diane working on projects and solving the world’s problems! Marsha and Susan trying their best to solve the puzzle of mitering odd corners! Sally is getting the groups opinion on her latest project. Diane is hard at work on her newest blanket.

Jan 152018
 January 15, 2018
Games Night 1/19

In the Fahs Room at 6:00pm Come join our all-ages casual night of gaming.  We’ll have board and card games to play or you can bring your favorite games to share! Share in our new year joy and bring a potluck item to share. Comment or contact us at *protected email* if you have any questions/ideas.

Jan 152018
 January 15, 2018
The Practical Path to Joy

On Saturday, January 27, 2018, Kelly Mishell will present a group workshop, “The Practical Path to Joy”. Kelly is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in teaching people the key tools for realizing their unlimited potential. Time and place: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. in the Fahs Room. Sign up at the Adult Enrichment table or

Jan 132018
 January 13, 2018
Pure Land Buddhism and Soka Gakkai

Tomorrow, Jan. 14, after the service: “Religions of Japan: Pure Land Buddhism and Soka Gakkai.” Keith Atwater shares insights into these popular branches of Japanese Buddhism. At noon in the Main Hall.  Enjoy Soup Sunday and stay for the presentation!

Jan 122018
 January 12, 2018
Holiday Cards Appreciation Post

There has been so much thankful feedback from everyone at the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center, where we sent Holiday cards in December. In one pod, the cards were placed at the ends of the bunks “so that we could see them every time we passed by”.  The cards that we send each year are the

Jan 122018
 January 12, 2018
Auction Jubilee!

Save the Date!  The UUSS Service Auction and Dinner will take place on Saturday, April 14.  Our “Auction Jubilee” is guaranteed to be fabulous fun as we continue the celebration of UUSS’s 150 year anniversary.  It’s now time to think about what you will donate to make this fundraiser a roaring success! More auction info at uuss.org/auction.

Jan 082018
 January 8, 2018
Speak for Environmental Justice in January! (Jan. 16th 7p-8:30p)

Sacramento County is preparing a new Environmental Justice element for the County General Plan. There is still opportunity for us to lift our voices at three of the scoping public workshops that will be held this month on January 17, 23, and 25. There’s little time to bring everyone up to speed on this and

Jan 072018
 January 7, 2018
Three Kings' Day

January 6 is the 12th day of Christmas known as the Feast of the Epiphany, or Three Kings’ Day for many Christians in Spain and Latin America. The holiday celebrates the biblical tale in which the Three Kings, or Three Wise Men, visit baby Jesus after his birth. Spirit Play honored Three Kings’ Day this

Jan 042018
 January 4, 2018

In 1868 in Sacramento (with a population of 15,000), seventeen families came together to establish a Unitarian congregation. That was 150 years ago. Happy anniversary, everyone! The UUSS Anniversary Gifts appeal was announced in late December and it continues until late January. We aim to raise more than $200,000 for these purposes: We will replace