Mar 222018
 March 22, 2018
Donate Computers and Monitors for Refugees

Last year, UUSS donated seven refurbished computer systems to refugee families served by the International Rescue Committee, Sacramento. On Sunday, April 22 (after Sunday service), we are again accepting computer and monitor donations. We welcome your older computer if it has one of the following processors: core 2 duo, i3, i5, or i7. If the

Mar 212018
 March 21, 2018

Mark your calendars for this annual event, sponsored by the Program Council. It takes place after the May 6th Sunday Service.  Explore the wonderful opportunities to connect at UUSS (which is why this event is sometimes called the Opportunity Fair or the Connections Fair). For all groups at UUSS, this is your chance to provide information about

Mar 212018
 March 21, 2018
Revised Goals and Objectives for our Next 5-Year Strategic Plan

The revised goals and objectives for our next 5-Year Strategic Plan have been posted to Thanks to all of you who provided your insights and input into this vision. Forums to discuss the proposed UUSS Strategic Plan will be held on Sunday, April 22th and Sunday, April 29th following the service. We will officially

Mar 202018
 March 20, 2018

GOT PLEDGE FORM? There’s still time to turn in your pledge form. Drop by the Stewardship Table in the Welcome Hall. Fill out and turn in your pledge form. this Sunday! Many thanks to those who’ve already pledged!

Mar 192018
 March 19, 2018

The Program Council invites you to a reception honoring the past and present volunteers of our Grasshopper mowing teams, who have been beautifying our campus and saving us buckets of money for 15 years. Reception is Thursday, March 29, 4-6 pm, in the Welcome Hall. Donations of wine or appetizers welcome. Contact *protected email*

Mar 192018
 March 19, 2018
Donation Window Closing Soon!

We hope you don’t wait much longer to donate that awesome item for our Auction Jubilee!  We are seeking donations of all kinds – maybe yours will be selected for ROGER‘S LIVE AUCTION!  Delightful dinner events, exciting outdoor adventures, fun classes, raffle-ready gift cards, rejuvenating weekend getaways, terrific time share vacations, exotic experiences, useful services… The donation window closes this Sunday.  Please give generously.  CLICK HERE for more

Mar 162018
 March 16, 2018
ACT Environmental Justice Committee learns about racism and environmental health equity

Our ACT Environmental Justice Committee working hard and having fun today at our research meeting about racism and environmental health equity in the Sacramento Region, with Katie Valenzuela, staff of CA Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies, Daniel Woo CADPH Climate Change and Health Equity, and Jackie Cole, community organizer. Attending from our ACT

Mar 162018
 March 16, 2018

The UUSS Board of Trustees will be meeting on Thursday the 22nd at 7:00 pm in the Library. The meeting agenda is posted on the Board webpage. All are welcome!

Mar 152018
 March 15, 2018
Confronting Environmental Racism - Sunday, April 29, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

         Confronting Environmental Racism Sunday, April 29, 2018, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Location: Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento 95825   Spend an informative afternoon exploring: Racialized historical legacies and structural environmental racism Health equity, transportation, pollution, climate change, food access, housing, vacant spaces Opportunities for mobilizing regional action