Mar 152018
 March 15, 2018
Save the Date - May 6th 2-4:30 Paul Kivel Workshop on racism

SAVE the DATE May 6, 2018  2-4:30    Paul Kivel comes to UUSS. Are you concerned about racism in our country but don’t know how to make a difference? Do you have questions have race and racism but don’t know who to ask? Do you wish for an opportunity to discuss important issues around race? Then

Mar 142018
 March 14, 2018

Check out the revised Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives here. You can make comments or ask questions there, too!  Thank you for your feedback and participation!

Mar 132018
 March 13, 2018
Games Night 3/16

In the Fahs Room at 6:00pm Come join our all-ages casual night of gaming.  We’ll have board and card games to play or you can bring your favorite games to share with others! Please bring a potluck item to share. March’s Featured Game: Codenames The two rival spymasters know the secret identities of 25 agents. Their teammates know

Mar 122018
 March 12, 2018
Auction Donations and Tickets

Please don’t wait!  We are seeking donations of raffle items, dinners, events, experiences, cakes, etc. for the service auction!   Click here to donate online or come see us at the Auction tables this Sunday.  Tickets are limited!  Don’t miss out – get your tickets now before they are gone!

Mar 122018
 March 12, 2018
De-Clutter Your Photos!

Save the date: March 21.  Let’s overcome our fear of organizing those old print photos – bring your photos to the Welcome Hall on Wednesday, March 21 for help in organizing your collection.  The supportive atmosphere reduces Photo-Box-a-Phobia!  Please sign up at the Adult Enrichment table or contact Tiffany Urness.

Mar 122018
 March 12, 2018

Only two more weekends… are remaining to catch Theater One’s production of Treasure Island in the main hall playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Directed and adapted from the forever classic Robert Lewis Stevenson novel by Director Lonon Smith and features many Theater One actors including Taylor Lewis as

Mar 102018
 March 10, 2018

Pledge Stickers – Found! We have pledge stickers again! Stop at the Stewardship Table on Sunday and for the price of a filled out pledge form you’ll receive a beautiful heart/plug sticker for your UUSS name tag.

Mar 102018
 March 10, 2018

-Pledge Update 3/10- Good work UUSSers! With 36% of pledge cards turned in, we’re at 45% of our funding goal. Thanks! If you need a form, stop at the Stewardship Table in the Welcome Hall on Sunday OR download one from the UUSS website, fill it out, and get it to us. Pledge today!

Mar 102018
 March 10, 2018

  Save the date for our CONFRONTING ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM event on Sunday, April 29, at 1:00 p.m. Speakers will include UCD Professor Dr. Jonathan London, Professor of Human Ecology and Director of the UCD Center for Regional Change; Katie Venezuela Garcia, founding member of vg-consulting and currently legislative staff for Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, (D) Coachella,

Mar 102018
 March 10, 2018
ACT Environmental Justice Committee plans next steps to confront injustice

This morning our ACT Environmental Justice Committee planned our next steps to confront injustice in our County’s Environmental Justice General Plan amendment.  Also, we will start looking at specific environmental health issues in Sacramento environmental justice communities. Productive meeting, fun group!